Friday, July 30, 2010

Sorrowful Rain Drops

Rain beneath my feet, I walk with a dark hoodie guarding my head. The bleak, gray sky is still lightly glowing with the setting sun. I can hear the wind swirling over head. I smell the air and it sends a taste into my mouth. It is moist and dull. Fall is coming. That season fills me both with sorrow and joy. As I contemplate my memories and attempt to forgive myself of my short comings.

Walking further, there is a park. Years of rust has set on the once child filled swings. The sound of the creaking metal threw a wave of chills all down my arms and my spine. Thoughts of my childhood that I had and how life's scars ruined that for me. I walk on, past the damp grass, as one tear rolls down my cheek.

I reach a house. A place I would like to call home, but have a hard time doing so. Screaming voices and anger fills this structure with negative energy. Thus, why on walk beside myself commonly. It is the single moment that I can think and dwell on what is my life and what could've been. Scratches and tears on my flesh is the result of the world's harsh resilience to kneel to the truth.

I pull my hood from my head a sit on the cement step leading up to my front door. Turning my face torwards the sky I let the rain gently hit my face. Though I may be scarred, but I am strong, faithful, and loving. I can and will break free of this dark existance and shine in the bright horizon that was made for me. Destiny. It truly is a magnifesent thing.


  1. Again - this is lovely, in every sense of the word! You are most definitely blessed with a gift!

  2. i can´t follow you if you don´t put the opcion. :)

    1. This is a way late reply but the follow button is at the top of the page. XP
