Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Whispers and Blossoms

Internal whispers and swiftly passing memories. Droplets of sunshine fall from the heavens and peace finds its way back. I become aware of myself at long last and I can't seem to remember why I had been in such a horrifically naive state. Granted the future is unwritten and many pages await the sacred ink, but God is the loving writer. He is the gentle guiding hand that paints every moment on a beautiful canvas and hangs it on an eternally stretching wall. Love is what sends us in the right direction and sends out hearts soaring among the clouds and into the stars. As the small voice talks to us it is recognized as our spirits. The soul within our bodies is a powerful thing which is strongly in tune with everything holy. Listen to it. It wants what is best for you and in turn what the Father wants for you.

Fingers dance across a piano and produce a melodic echo that sends chills of nostalgia surging through every vein. The deep tones and light keys play with my imagination and stokes the fire burning behind my eyes. Every second comes storming back as if breaking into a forbidden castle of dreams and prosperity. The clarity of the visions found me and so did tears. The rock that was once holding this castle together is now gone and at first it seemed to be crumbling. That is until a greater, stronger rock was found and now the stone fortress only grows more fortified each day.

I walk a path far beyond the mountains and past the humble village. I travel to the north west and find vast rows of cherry blossom trees. Their pink pedals falling and swirling in the winds. They float by me and wrap around my body once and then carry on. I smell the air and it is the essence of rose and moisture. For a minute I swear I saw a figure in this field with me, but it could just be my active imagination. That is until I heard foot steps rush from one of the trees and across the lush grass. It was a boy with blonde hair and modern looking clothes like from the world we all live in. It was not likely in this world to look in such a way.

I yelled for him to wait, but he kept on running. I briefly saw his face and I thought I saw...hazel eyes.